Stick ’Em Up! Olympic Stadium Will Be Made of Guns and Knives
This article is a post that comes from Greening Forward’s legacy blog. It was originally written by Jennifer Berry on January 31, 2010.
Inhabitat reports that confiscated weapons from London’s Metropolitan Police Department are being melted down into scrap metal and used to help build the Olympic stadium for the 2012 games.
Other unusual metals are also in play in the stadium’s design. The Olympic Stadium ring beam that supports the fabric roof was changed so that reclaimed gas pipes could be used.
Part of the 2012 Games’ main objectives includes sustainability, with a goal of 20 percent of construction materials (by value) and 25 percent of aggregate (by weight) to come from recycled or secondary sources. And as of November 2009, 97 percent of the construction waste generated in completing the various projects for the London Games has been recycled. In addition, concrete and brick, which currently represent approximately 20 percent of waste, are crushed on-site for reuse.
These waste-reduction measures have resulted in an estimated 1,599 fewer vehicle movements from July to September 2009, compared to the previous three months.
According to Populous, designers of the stadium, “Each component takes a sustainable approach that uses only what is needed for the event and then transforms to a long term future use; the whole process uses a minimum of services.”
In fact, the stadium’s design takes into account its short lifespan. Part of the structure includes a permanent 25,000 seat stadium. However, it also includes a 55,000 seat skyward extension which can be removed when no longer needed.
Deconstruction is also an important component, as designers are bolting, rather than welding, steel to make the stadium easier to tear apart.
And as far as the London police are concerned, this is just one initiative they are using to “green” up their crime-fighting operations. They have collected 3.3 million spent bullets, recycling them into photo frames and jewelry. They also recycle other miscellanies, including old uniforms, body armor, cooking oil, and horse manure.